
What is the first thing that comes into mind when you hear, “2020”?

For me, it’s definitely the pandemic. I’m pretty sure that everybody thought that the quarantine period would be temporary and that everything would go back to normal after a month or two. I certainly did. Though it was a new virus, I thought that a cure and a vaccine would easily be produced and that it could be treated the same way as how we deal with a simple flu. But unexpectedly and unfortunately, even with the gradual loosening of restrictions, we are still not safe from the virus, and nothing has gone back to the way it was.

In such tough times, it could be so easy to get distracted with negative thoughts. It could be so tempting to think about what we used to be able to do and what we used to have before all of this happened. Without any second thought, it’s so easy to ask God, “Why is this happening?”

Sometime in the middle of all this, I actually contemplated on this question. And to be honest, I couldn’t figure it out. Did nature need a makeover? Are the human species so bad that this had to happen? Was this a man-made virus that was deliberately released? There might be other ideas out there, but after spending so much time thinking about it, I decided to stop what I was doing because I really did not know the answer.

Instead of being frustrated, I just surrendered to God. This wasn’t always easy to do, but perhaps because of the many things that I’ve experienced in life, I’ve learned that not knowing everything is simply an indication of being an imperfect human being and more than that, an imperfect human being with a perfect God.

Knowing that I have a perfect God means I am taken care of. I am safe. I don’t need to be in control all the time because He’s always going to be there. I will be okay no matter what. I don’t understand, but I am going to keep living and moving forward. I am His child and He loves me. That will never change. And that gives me peace.

So at any time that you feel stuck and don’t know why, what, or how, just surrender to God. You’ll be okay no matter what.