Reflections: 16/40

I have just been going about my usual day today when I realized that we are now in the month of March, which means my birthday is coming up soon! 🙂

Of course, with the pandemic still in our midst, I haven’t really thought about having any kind of celebration but having a nice meal would be enough to make it special. I also figured that being pre-occupied with all the work stuff and going ahead with the preparations for the wedding, I’d have enough to keep me busy in both during the weekdays and in the weekend.

But then I realized that maybe God has so much more in store for me. Without immediately noticing, I have said yes to serving in the different events of the community, something that hasn’t happened in a very long time. I must have missed it so much that I immediately said yes, and I am just realizing now that they all happen to fall within this month of March. Instead of panicking though and thinking about the many things that I will have to do, I actually felt excited.

I wonder what God is trying to tell me with these events. Has he got a wonderful surprise for me? A gift? A message? Whatever it may be, I sure feel giddy because of this unexpected but most wonderful surprise. Serving in itself is already a gift. And being able to do so during this season of Lent and in my birth month is even more special. I can only pray that I keep my eyes, mind, and heart wide open so that I may be able to receive fully His grace and love during one of the most special moments in my life.

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